Abstracts in English

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Abstracts in English

2024-06-01 13:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


刘久明 朱斐斐



关键词:科马克·麦卡锡 “边境三部曲” 空间异质性 帝国意识形态


Title: Spatial Heterogeneity and the Deconstruction of Imperial Ideology: On Cor-mac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy

ABSTRACT: Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy subverts the imagination of West-ern space in the American literary tradition. It is no longer an area that imperial ideology can conquer, but a space full of resistance that is difficult to integrate. By interpreting the space narrative in the context of the Other culture, this article argues that McCarthy has deconstructed the imagination about space in the imperial ideology and constructed heterogeneous physical space, social space and psychological space. The surface of its narrative seems to conspire with the myth of American West, but in fact, it criticizes ideo-logical hegemony and reveals the invisibility of the Other, arousing readers’ awe for other people and other space.

Keywords: Cormac McCarthy, the “Border Trilogy,” spatial heterogeneity, imperial ideology

Authors: Liu Jiuming is a professor at the College of Humanities, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (430074), specializing in comparative literature. Zhu Feifei is a doctoral can-didate at the College of Humanities, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wu-han, China (430074) and an associate professor in the School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China (430070), specializing in American literature.



王莹 陈世丹



关键词:罗纳德·苏克尼克 《马赛克人》 镶嵌性 生成性 修正性


Title: Mosaic, Generativity and Revision: Postmodern Narrative Poetics in Ronald Sukenick’s Mosaic Man

ABSTRACT: Ronald Sukenick’s Mosaic Man is a post-Holocaust and post-Cold War novel. It contains his thoughts on the writing and self construct of novels in this peri-od. This paper outlines Sukenick’s postmodern narrative poetics by analyzing the charac-teristics of the novel, namely mosaic, generativity and revision. Mosaic in the novel em-phasizes the meanings of parts in the absence of the whole, implying that when the whole culture no longer exists, the individual becomes a fragment trying to find its own mean-ing. Generativity is inherited from the Jewish tradition of anti-imitation, which shows that imitation is nothing but a fabricated existence. Revision, intended to revise and rewrite the classics, is a reflection on the writer’s own identity and his tracing of Jewish identity. The postmodern narrative poetics in Mosaic Man shows that in his pursuit of historical and realistic significance, Sukenick uses innovative literary creation to make “the novel” an addition or supplement to reality.

Keywords: Ronald Sukenick, Mosaic Man, mosaic, generativity, revision

Authors: Wang Ying is a doctoral candidate at the School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China (100872), spe-cializing in American literature and Western literary theory. Chen Shidan is a professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University of China, specializing in British and American literature and Western literary theory.



苗福光 许 婧



关键词:阿列克斯·提臧 《何以为我》 否定主义美学 亚裔文化共同体


Title: Writing about the Asian American Cultural Community in Big Little Man: In Search of My Asian Self: A Negativist Aesthetics Approach

ABSTRACT: Filipino-American writer Alex Tizon depicts discriminations encountered by Asian Americans in white-dominated American society in his memoir Big Little Man: In Search of My Asian Self. The author’s negation of the discriminatory cultural construction suffered by Asian Americans manifests the aesthetic characteristic of “onto-logical negation.” By tracing the history and culture of Asian Americans and the resulting cultural confidence, Tizon proposes a creative means of establishing an Asian American cultural community. The creation of the novel becomes his cultural practice in negativist aesthetics with “negation-creation.”

Keywords: Alex Tizon, Big Little Man: In Search of My Asian Self, negativist aes-thetics, Asian American cultural community

Authors: Miao Fuguang is a professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China (200444), mainly specializing in the studies of literary ecology, translation and the communication of Chinese and West-ern cultures. Xu Jing is a postgraduate student at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China (200444), specializing in British and American literature.







关键词:瑞克·巴斯 自然万物 神奇 物质叙事力 复魅


Title: Narrative Agency of Nonhuman Nature: A Study of Rick Bass’s Narratives of Re-enchantment

ABSTRACT: Rick Bass frequently depicts human experience of wonder in the wilderness. Bass is not a magical realist, nor does wonder merely refer to the wildness of nature. More importantly, wonder means the powerful narrative agency of nonhuman nature. This paper sets out to clarify the term “narrative agency of matter,” the key concept of material ecocriticism, and to draw attention to Bass’s unique articulation of the narrative agency of nonhuman nature. It argues that Bass’s recordings of his sensorial perceptions of wonder in the wilderness, together with his accounts of characters being enchanted by languages of nonhuman nature and being amazed by animals’ intelligibility and extrasensory perception, signify both the performativity and the re-enchanting process of nonhuman nature. Bass’s narratives of re-enchantment accentuate human perceptions of matter’s vitality and the inseparability of matter and discourse, and convincingly demonstrate that narratives are co-created by humans and nonhuman nature, thus corresponding to the on-tological meaning of narrative designated by material ecocriticism and encouraging ethical reflections on our actions.

Keywords: Rick Bass, nonhuman nature, wonder, narrative agency of matter, re-enchantment

Author: Qiu Xiaoqing is a professor of English at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China (510420), specializing in narratology and contemporary Anglo-American literature.






关键词:内森 ·.英格兰德 《姐妹山》 边界空间 身体


Title: Body in Geopolitics: Narratives of Border Space in “Sister Hills”

ABSTRACT: Nathan Englander’s short story “Sister Hills” reflects the writ-er’s interest in and literary views on borders. This paper focuses on spatial practice in the daily life of the characters in the story to examine how these settlers in the border spaces of occupied territory in the West Bank expand Israel’s national terri-tory, reinforce Jewish collective memory, transform Arabic landscapes, and prac-tice cultural rituals with their bodies. Borders in “Sister Hills” not only strengthen territorial security, but also act on the identity and emotion of the subjects on the borders, while being expressed and shaped by their bodily practices. The pre-sentation of Jewish settlers’ bodies on the borders therefore displays a constant-ly changing interaction between geopolitics and human life. Interpreting the IsraelPalestine conflict in this way offers a bottom-up perspective neglected in the grand narra-tives of the nation state.

Keywords: Nathan Englander, “Sister Hills”, border space, body

Author: Jing Nanfei is a professor at the School of Foreign Lan-guages, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China (310018), specializing in Jewish American literature.



庞好农 刘敏杰



关键词:保罗·比第 《白人男孩曳步舞》 文化混血 社会伦理


Title: Tension of Cultural Hybridity and Reflection on Social Ethics: A Study of Paul Beatty’s The White Boy Shuffle

ABSTRACT: In The White Boy Shuffle, Paul Beatty presents the tensions inherent in cultural hybridity and reflects on social ethics from the perspectives of cultural exclusion, fusion and alienation, disclosing black people’s living dilemma and personal pursuits in the United States of America. By means of racial segregation, racial discrimination and hostile imagination, blacks are racially excluded in American society and made into out-siders and invisible men. Representing black-and-white matrimony, artistic communication and cultural transference, Beatty reveals the important influence of cultural interlocking on black people’s personalities and ways of thinking. He also describes the distortion of black ideology caused by racial prejudice and oppression from the perspective of alien-ation in worldview, value system and life outlook, indicating that it is difficult for black people to form values and ethical ideas suitable for mainstream social ethics.

Keywords: Paul Beatty, The White Boy Shuffle, cultural hybridity, social ethics

Authors: Pang Haonong is a professor at the Institute of Foreign Literature and Culture in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China (510420), majoring in English American literature. Liu Minjie is a lecturer at the School of Foreign Languages in Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China (471023), specializing in English and American literature.



袁 源



关键词:保罗·巴奇加卢皮 《水刀》 环境人文 气候小说 流动性


Title: Mobility of Climate Refugees in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Water Knife

ABSTRACT: Paolo Bacigalupi’s cli-fi novel The Water Knife depicts a scenario in which climate refugees struggle to migrate to the north in pursuit of water in the American southwest. This article examines the representation of climate refugees’ (im)mobilities in this novel from three aspects, namely, the formation and disillusionment of mobility dreams, the availability of transportation, and the historical reasons for their (im)mobilities. The article discusses the ways in which Bacigalupi reflects upon historical roots, the present situation, and a future of drought along the Colorado River. It then argues that southwestern US states’ competition for water resources, capricious immigration policies, and xenophobia among the American public obstruct the migration of climate refugees, aggravating their plight. The novel criticizes the prioritization of economic benefits and political institutions over environmental justice, and reveals the environmental anxiety of American cli-fi writers, exemplified by Bacigalupi.

Keywords: Paolo Bacigalupi, The Water Knife, environmental humanities, climate fiction, mobility

Author: Yuan Yuan is an associate professor of English at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China (200093). Her research focuses on climate fiction and the interdisciplinary studies of literature, environment and science.



李梦雨 胡亚敏



关键词:美国阿富汗战争 罗伊—巴塔查里亚 《警戒》 战争框架 哀悼


Title: Frames of War and Grievable Life in the American Afghan War Novel The Watch

ABSTRACT: The Watch is a novel about the American war in Afghanistan. The novel takes this war as the background of writing about different lives under war. Frames of war control and manipulate people’s perception, differentiate “we” from “they”, and urge people to treat lives inside and outside the frames differently. The American soldiers cherish the lives of their companions inside the frames, but they regard the Afghans out-side the frames as “non-humans” who are not worthy of being mourned. Although American soldiers and the Afghans maintain different positions, they express goodwill towards each other out of the goodness of humanity. The American soldiers attempt to resist the incorporation of frames of war, but the uncertainty of the war pushes them to keep alert at all times. Through his novel The Watch, Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya reflects on the war, advocates treating lives equally, and seeks the path to break the frames.

Keywords: American war in Afghanistan, Roy-Bhattacharya, The Watch, frames of war, mourning

Authors: Li Mengyu is a doctoral candidate at National University of Defense Technology, Luoyang, China (471003), specializing in British and American literature. Hu Yamin is a professor at National Univer-sity of Defense Technology, Luoyang, China (471003). Her research focuses on British and American literature and war literature of the world.



谢 超



关键词:动物诗歌 灭绝叙事 生态批评 多物种伦理


Title: On Extinction Narratives in Contemporary British and American Animal Poetry

ABSTRACT: Extinction narrative has become a crucial theme and technique in con-temporary British and American animal poetry. Poets such as Ted Hughes, Gillian Clarke, Peter Reading and Allison Hutchcraft expand historical and future times of species, use a polyphonic first-person point of view, and employ histories of ecological colonialism, trying to depict personal, environmental and social crises caused by biodiversity depletion.Through multifaceted perspectives — geological time, narrative skills and ecological history — these poets reflect on the inseparably emotional, historical and ecological connections between humans and nonhuman animals. Extinction narratives in contemporary British and American animal poetry revolutionize the poetic tradition of the genre, display a political stance towards animal protection, and create a multispecies ethics that emphasizes relational ontology.

Keywords: animal poetry, extinction narrative, ecocriticism, multispecies ethics

Author: Xie Chao is an associate professor at the School of Chinese Languages and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China (430079), specializing in Anglophone poetry and ecocriticism.






关键词:《我这样的机器》 个体化 社会化 个体情感 社会结构


Title: On the Individuation of Artificial Intelligence in Machines Like Me

ABSTRACT: In Ian McEwan’s novel Machine Like Me, Adam, an artificial intelligence robot implanted with all good human qualities, gradually obtains subjective self-awareness and develops individuality through direct, concrete and real lived experiences, as well as through emotional interactions with humans. Afterwards, as an individual, Adam begins to feel the real fundamental differences between the individual and society. This essay attempts to break through existing critical models, such as robot ethics and human machine co-existing community, and to examine how specific life experiences and emotional interactions shape both humans and robots from the perspective of the tension formed by the interaction between the individual and society. It demonstrates the ways individual emotions and structural social norms can latently change the structure of feeling and the whole culture in the process of negotiation.

Keywords: Machines Like Me, individuation, socialization, individual feeling, social structure

Author: Zhou Mingying is an assistant professor of English at Shenzhen University, Guangdong, China (518060), specializing in British literature, cultural studies and gender studies.







关键词:帕特·巴克 《特洛伊的女人们》 战争创伤 好客礼 友爱


Title: War from the Perspective of Women: A Review of Pat Barker’s The Women of Troy

ABSTRACT: In her new novel The Women of Troy, Pat Barker again rewrites and parodies the Iliad from the first-person female perspective. This paper analyzes the Trojan women’s war trauma as the Other, and explores the formation of their subjective thinking through singing, taking hot baths and delivering babies. It focuses on masculinity and femininity in the story of Pyrrhus’ killing of his father’s guest-friend to reveal that men are also the victims of heroism. It emphasizes that the key to eliminating the tragedy of war lies not in exchange but in philia, which is used to deconstruct violence resulting from egocentrism. This is instructive for solving problems of geopolitical and social conflict.

Keywords: Pat Barker, The Women of Troy, war trauma, guest-friendship, philia

Author: Huo Tiantian is a lecturer in the Department of Basic Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University, Jinzhong, China (030801), specializing in contemporary British and American literature and feminist studies.






关键词:索因卡 《裘罗教士的磨难》 莫里哀 《伪君子》 影响研究


Title: A Modern Variation of Tartuffe: The Trials of Religious Hypocrisy by Wole Soyinka

ABSTRACT: African playwright Wole Soyinka’s play The Trials of Brother Jero follows the seventeenth-century French Neoclassical playwright Molière’s Tartuffe in its thematic presentation and artistic techniques. This paper argues that Soyinka follows Molière in three principal aspects: revelation of religious hypocrisy, inheritance of artistic structure and characterization, and consideration of the relationship between religion and politics. In terms of revelation of religious hypocrisy, Soyinka echoes Molière by exposing and satirizing the hypocrisy, deceit and treachery of professional Christian liars. In terms of artistic structure and characterization, both Molière and Soyinka adopt the principle of “three unities”, and there are close correspondences between the characters in the two plays. Furthermore, both of the playwrights delve into the relationship between religion and politics in a particular social context. Both use the theater as a courtroom to “judge” the fraudulent practices of the religious charlatans.

Keywords: Wole Soyinka, The Trials of Brother Jero, Molière, Tartuffe, literary influence

Author:Wu Sijia is a professor at the School of Literature, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China (310018), specializing in dramatic literature and film studies.




张 嵘



关键词:乌利茨卡娅 《库科茨基医生的病案》 时空体 情节构建


Title: World Building in Ludmila Ulitskaya’s The Kukotsky Enigma: From the Perspective of Bakhtin’s Chronotope

ABSTRACT: In Ludmila Ulitskaya’s The Kukotsky Enigma, there is a “crisis” chronotope within the overall grand chronotope of the novel. In these key chronotopes, the author skillfully integrates space and time, combines personal life and historical events, and renders historical time in space. Thus, the plot of the novel moves forward naturally and dynamically, and presents various vivid characters that change from static to dynamic, from flat to three-dimensional. The novel makes the characters typical of their times to examine events in a new light, injects new philosophical ideas and values into time and space, and builds a miniature world of fiction within its specific chronotope.

Keywords: Ludmila Ulitskaya, The Kukotsky Enigma, сhronotope, world building

Author:Zhang Rong is a lecturer at Liaoning University, Shenyang, China (110136), specializing in contemporary Russian literature.






关键词:莫妮卡·阿里 《砖巷》 社会生活共同体 城市 分群形态


Title: On Patterns of London Urban Subgroups and the Community of Social Life in Brick Lane

ABSTRACT: The city is not only a pure material fact divided by geographical units, but also a community of social life formed by human settlement. With the acceleration of globalization, the traditional spatial form and functions of London are disappearing. In the space of the city, different population groups occupy different areas or are isolated in specific areas. With the development of the city, many subgroups have formed in the process of continuous urban screening and differentiation. After the disintegration of the homogeneous urban community, there have been changes to the composition of social members, relationships between populations, and the social structure of the recessive urban cultural system. In Brick Lane, written from the perspective of Bangladeshi immigrants, the British writer Monica Ali describes the conflicts in economy, identity, religion and race faced by immigrants living in concentrated areas. This article analyzes the Bengali community’s common ties and common memories in the city of London, and focuses on the specific settlement space, hidden social order and social flow channels in Brick Lane. The purpose is to investigate the organic construction mode of the city as a living community.

Keywords: Monica Ali, Brick Lane, community of social life, city, subgroup pattern

Author: Zhao Jinghui is a professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang, China (222005), specializing in British and American literature.




康 澄



关键词:尤里·洛特曼 文化符号学 空间模拟 地理空间


Title: “Spatial Modeling”: The Unique Methodology of Yuri Lotman’s Cultural Semiotics

ABSTRACT: Yuri Lotman and the Tartu Moscow Semiotic School believe that space is a universal language for modeling reality and that any cultural type can be de-scribed in spatial terms. Reflecting the essential characteristics of human thinking, the mechanism of “spatial modeling” is a particularly effective means of expressing “world vision,” which contains all the value categories in cultural concepts. Building a metalanguage for cultural description based on spatial modeling is one of the most unique methodologies of cultural semiotics. Lotman applies it to geographical, real and urban spaces to describe different cultural types and the generation of their meaning.

Keywords: Yuri Lotman, cultural semiotics, spatial modeling, geographical space

Author: Kang Cheng is a professor at the School of Foreign Studies, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China (510631), specializing in cul-tural semiotics and Russian literature.



廖 敏



关键词:图尼埃 东方美学 水墨画 “禅”花园 阿拉伯书法


Title: Michel Tournier’s Oriental Aesthetics

ABSTRACT: Michel Tournier was an important contemporary French writer. Chinese and French academic circles have paid much attention to Tournier’s use of Western philosophy and mythology, but they have tended to ignore his oriental aesthetics and philosophical thoughts. Tournier’s early, middle and late works present a rich variety of aesthetic images such as ink painting, Zen gardens and Arabic calligraphy, and their simple but profound artistic characteristics are of great significance for understanding his novels. Under the influence of oriental aesthetics and philosophy, Tournier found a way to transcend the limited time and space in the experience of intuition, and achieved inner cultivation and spiritual freedom so as to seek the ideal spiritual paradise in the realm of oriental art, and to criticize the excessive development of Western consumer culture. The absorption of oriental aesthetics also transformed Tournier’s writing style and aesthetic views, inspiring him to pursue a refined and simplified style.

Keywords: Michel Tournier, oriental aesthetics, ink painting, Zen garden, Arabic calligraphy

Author: Liao Min is a lecturer at the School of Foreign Studies, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China (510632), specializing in French literature and comparative literature.






关键词:鲍尔斯 《回声制造者》 生态—社会共同体 主体性 生态人格 恋地情结 


Title: Ecological-Social Community Building in Richard Powers’s The Echo Maker

ABSTRACT: The Echo Maker, a novel by contemporary American writer Richard Powers, imagines and builds a unique ecological-social community. Nature, with its own subjectivity, co-exists with humans in the community, and the two are inseparable. People in the community have “ecological personality”, uniting in friendship and helping each other. More importantly, people in the community have topophilia, mingle with “place”, and work on environmental protection, which forms the foundation for an ecological-social community. In this novel, building an ecological-social community enriches the literary imagination of community and provides an inspiration for ecological civilization, green development and a community with a shared future for human beings.

Keywords: Richard Powers, The Echo Maker, ecological-social community, subjectivity, ecological personality, topophilia

Author:Chen Yunyi is a doctoral candidate at the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (310058), specializing in British and American literature.







关键词:朱利安·巴恩斯 《终结的感觉》 符号学 记忆 自我 社会


Title: Memory, Self and Society in The Sense of an Ending: From the Perspective of Greimas’s Semiotic Square

ABSTRACT: The Sense of an Ending, a masterpiece by contemporary British writer Julian Barnes, consists of two parts. Tony’s memories about the past in the first part are overturned in the second part, and the revelation of the truth gives Tony a sense of “ending.” By using Algirdas Greimas’s notion of the semiotic square, this paper aims to find the deep meaning of three semantic systems: memory, self and society, and to explore the cause of “the sense of an ending.” The deconstruction of the first part of the novel by the second part causes drastic changes in memory, self and social systems, and the semantic elements on the composite axis of the three form a strong conflict between the two parts of the novel, producing binary opposition on the antonymous level, which generates uncertainty about the three semantic systems of the novel. This paper argues that “the sense of an ending” is based on the accumulation of the three uncertain elements, the responsibility that Tony cannot bear, and the great unrest of postmodern society.

Keywords: Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending, semiotics, memory, self, society

Author: Ge Jiamei is a Ph.D. candidate at Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China (430079), specializing in contemporary British and American literature.




朱 倩



关键词:蒂姆·温顿 《骑行者》 家 身份 流动


Title: “Go Waltzing Matilda with Me” and “Let’s Go Home”: On Home, Identity and Mobility in Tim Winton’s The Riders

ABSTRACT: Australian writer Tim Winton’s novel The Riders presents new forms of space and identity as a result of travel, pursuit and dislocation, thus confirming the mismatch between old ideas of stability, stasis and a single location and a global age of economic change, socio-political uncertainty and cultural diversity. It revisits fixed notions of home and identity to explore mobility. Reading the novel in the context of theories about home and migration, this paper argues that Winton, while adhering to the notion of home, rewrites the concept in a more flexible way in order to break its ties with traditional national narratives.

Keywords: Tim Winton, The Riders, home, identity, mobility

Author: Zhu Qian is a doctoral candidate in the School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia (14300), specializing in Australian literature.




秦 轩



关键词:迈克尔·夏邦 乌托邦 “后乌托邦”


Title: Michael Chabon’s Imagination of the “Post-Utopia”

ABSTRACT: The utopia created by Michael Chabon, a Jewish writer of the new century, is not limited to the traditional “good place” or “no place,” but turns from the Promised Land “flowing with milk and honey” to the “post-utopia.” This includes the anti-utopia, where biological genetic engineering and racial violence desecrate religion; the dystopia, where political shadows and an underground factory jointly corrode human nature; and the heterotopia of crisis, involving deviation and freedom for the weak who suffer from psychosis and the aftermath of war. In the power struggle between different sects within Jewish communities, and among Jews, whites, native Indians and Arabs, issues such as the colonization and decolonization of identities, and the presence of trans-regional, trans-racial conflicts, all emerge. These problems are contemporary symptoms of historical Jewish trauma, and such Jewish experiences can be represented from the perspective of “post-utopia.”

Keywords: Michael Chabon, utopia, post-utopia

Author: Qin Xuan is a lecturer in English at the School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China (250014). Her major research area is American Jewish literature.








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